Training / Resources

Here I will share links to my protocols, data & scripts.

Data and statistical analysis scripts for manuscript on X-ray Microscopy of pennycress seeds. Griffiths M, Topp C (2025). [Data set / code]. Zenodo.

Introduction to Root Imaging and Image Analysis. Three class series and materials. Griffiths M (2024). figshare. Presentation.

Data and statistical analysis scripts for manuscript on pennycress roots & response to nitrate using 3D gel system. Griffiths M, Liu A, Topp C (2023). [Data set / code]. Zenodo.

Root phenotyping workshop presentation resources. Griffiths M, York Larry, Liu A, Wong Kong, Mankar S, Topp C (2023) 02/13/2023 North American Plant Phenotyping Network NAPPN 2023 root phenotyping workshop. figshare. Presentation.

Data and statistical analysis scripts for manuscript on wheat root response to nitrate using X-ray CT and OpenSimRoot. Griffiths M, et al. (2022). [Data set / code]. Zenodo.

Images, data, and statistical analysis scripts for review article on cover crop roots. Griffiths M, Topp CN. (2021). [Data set / code]. Zenodo.

Dark Respiration Measurement from Arabidopsis Shoots. Fonseca JP, Griffiths M, York LM, Mysore KS. (2021). [Protocol / code]. bio-protocol.

Data and statistical analysis scripts for manuscript on switchgrass roots in nitrogen and water stresses. Griffiths M, Seethepalli A, York LM. (2021). [Data set / code]. Zenodo.

A 3D print repository for plant phenomics. Griffiths M. (2020) Plant Phenomics J. [Data repository website]

How to use a PlantID system to organize experiments with barcodes. Blog article

Root multiple ion uptake kinetics data for maize NAM founders, statistical code, and RhizoFlux hardware plans. Griffiths M & York LM. (2020). [Protocol / Data set / code / equipment designs]. Zenodo.

Protocol and data analysis scripts for high-throughput phenotyping of specific root respiration. Guo H, Griffiths M, Seethepalli A, Dhakal K, York LM. (2020). [Protocol / code / equipment designs]. Zenodo.

Introduction to plant phenotyping. Griffiths M (2020) 02/20/2020 Texas Womens University. [Presentation]. figshare.

Meta-analysis of multiple ion uptake kinetics in crop roots. Griffiths M & York LM. (2020). [Data set]. Zenodo.

Softwares & tools for image based root phenotyping. Griffiths M (2019) 04/30/2019 International Plant Phenotyping Network IPPN 2019 root workshop. figshare. Presentation.

PRIMAL: Pipeline of Root Image analysis using MAchine Learning. Lobet G, Atkinson JA, Noll M, Griffiths M, Wells DM.